
Engagement rings have been common and a compulsory tradition among every culture for decades. Especially for girls as they dream of that special day when the love of her life will engage her or propose her with a shiny diamond engagement ring. It's like a symbol of a couple's commitment to each other and beginning of their relationship's new journey.

But have you ever wondered about this tradition's origin and its popularity? Why each and everyone follows it? We have find some of the stories which can answer these questions.


The origin of this diamond engagement ring tradition is not completely known. However, there are some of the notions mentions according to historians understanding about it. The origin of this tradition began with the Roman custom were husbands use to make their wives wear diamond ring, according to some anthropologists. This custom represented husband's ownership on their wives. 

Popular Slogan

On 1948, a popular slogan got introduced which said "A Diamonds is Forever". De Beers which was a leading company created this famous slogan. Large number of sales lead through campaigning because of two hidden meanings of the slogan. Firstly, it tells us that diamond is durable in nature. Secondly, it tells us that just like a diamond is forever, the commitments made in a relationship is also forever. Because of this slogan's popularity, it was claimed as "the slogan of the century".