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According to research, youth tend to settle on non-diamond accessories over diamond rings and alternative diamond jewellery. They mentioned some reason behind it like a concern with wanting funds to shop for diamond jewellery, methods of moral mining, and usually having different liking over a diamond. We know that the majority of ladies love coloured gemstones like ruby, amethysts, and emeralds from the beginning. A number of them begin loving them once they get them. Some ladies love them owing to their wealthy history and beautiful properties.

We possess a number of knowledge regarding diamond facts and trust me they made us love each and every part of a diamond, whether they are tiny or giant. So, we are presenting you those prime reason to love diamonds as they're definitely worth the appreciation and regardless of what vogue, preference, or beliefs you've got, you will for sure love them once you read this blog.

1. Out of all the diamonds that are mined worldwide, only around 30 minutes of them are gem-quality diamonds. you must be curious regarding what does gem quality mean? Let me tell you that gem quality diamonds aren't similar to any diamonds. They're the kind of diamonds that deserve being cut into suitable shapes before engraving them in jewellery. Remaining of the seventieth diamonds are used for industrial purposes.

2. Did you know? All diamonds are at least ninety-nine million years old. Think of the diamond you're sporting as the one which existed longer than your own existence, it feels great right? That’s the explanation of why diamond symbolizes endless love.

3. Graphite and diamonds are created by similar carbon atoms. Although, graphite is extremely soft material and simple to destroy. However, diamonds are the toughest substance and tough to destroy. It’s all because their carbon atoms are structured and connected otherwise.

4. An Internally flawless (IF) diamond that is additionally referred to as a D color diamond only presents .001% of the world’s production of diamonds. These near to being excellent diamonds are exceptionally rare, even within the weight of tiny carat.

5. In outer space, diamonds are common. According to the many websites, researchers have created a technique for looking out diamonds in an area that is simply a nanometer in size. These form of diamonds are terribly small in size that can't be slot in an engagement ring, however, it might help scientists to understand the occurrence of life on Earth.