Although industrial metal is a new introduction in the jewelry market, it has been a part of jewelry and manufacturing since the ancient time. The durability, strength, and contemporary look these metals provide to jewelry is certainly appreciable; hence, the popularity of industrial metal jewelry is increasing day by day now, especially in engagement rings. These metals are known as “alternative metals” in the jewelry industry. Some of these metals are Titanium, Cobalt, and Steel. Let’s have a brief look at these lovely metals.

Stainless steel
Stainless steel is a metal that proffers excellent shine and hue when it is polished and finished. Unlike many precious metals, it is a tarnish-resistant metal. Besides, it requires very little of your attention in maintenance because it does not get chipped or scratched easily (a little care is recommended though). Iron, 0.15 percent carbon, and 10 percent chromium are combined to make stainless steel. Needless to say, it does not rust, which makes its aesthetic appeal everlasting.

Titanium is a wondrous alloy of lightweight and strength that does not tarnish and is corrosion-resistant. To be precise, it is about half the weight of steel yet identical to steel in color and hue. It is combined with yellow gold accents and polished to get a decent glow. Its hypoallergenic (if not mixed with nickel) quality makes it perfect for jewelry. Since it is considerably lightweight, it is easy to wear and is perfect for those with an active lifestyle.

Tungsten Carbide
Tungsten Carbide is darker (Grey) in shade than titanium. It is a composition of tungsten and carbon, which is responsible for the strength of this metal. It is scratch and damage resistance, making the jewelry polish last for long years. Tungsten Carbide is mostly used in men's wedding bands and rings due to its durability and attractiveness. These rings do not bend out of shape or get scratched and maintain the perfectly polished finish for a lifetime.

This bright white metal has been used in the medical industry as well as in making jewelry for a long time ago. This contemporary metal is not only dense and durable but similar in weight to gold. Cobalt is a great alternative for white gold or platinum as it is easy on the pocket (however, more expensive than Titanium and Tungsten Carbide).

These above industrial metals are some unbeatable alternatives to expensive traditional jewelry metals such as gold and platinum. Nonetheless, they are not widely popular yet as most people do not know about them. Slowly but surely these metals are beginning to grow as expensive metal substitutes.